Monday, July 6, 2015

Day 1: Equipment Malfunction

Day one:  We left Cibolo with excitement.
We left with anticipation.  We expected to beat Houston traffic.  We didn't.  Not even two hours into our journey, we hit a total stand still of automotive muck.   I know it wasn't even two hours because the kids were watching Top Gun and the sudden halt came right about the point where Goose dies.  I was near tears for several reasons.   Oh well.  Nothing I could do about the traffic.  Or Goose.
Movie #2 was Book of Life. I hadn't seen it before. I still technically haven't seen it,  but I've now at least listened to it once all the way through. That's the downfall of the van DVD system. I hear a lot of movies.
I digress. Sorry. Two solid movies into our travel and we made it 155 miles.  Not even to Houston.  Katy.  We drove 4 full hours and made it to Katy.  We stopped for IHOP and gas.  Baton Rough wasn't going to happen.   Kayleigh checked the atlas and found camping near Lake Charles, about 2 hours east of our original goal. We drove in, and started looking for a tent site.  

The sign in red warning us of gators had us mildly concerned and more "super tired and we have to worry about gators"  giggly.   By midnight thirty we had the tent up with the mattresses inflated and had realized that one of the mattresses was. ....FLAT! 
Gannon and I slept on the ground, but I think we were both too tired to care.
A few  equipment malfunctions were not going to crush our hopes for a fantastic vacation!
We got up in the morning rearing and ready to take the day!  

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