Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Our next camping trip is in FIVE DAYS!!!!!!!!!  FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I figured before we set out on that adventure, I should catch up posting my excursions.  In March, the Jolly Camper took a break from camping, ditched the kids with Grandma, and flew to Italy.  My husband and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary in Rome, Venice, and Pompeii.  It was amazing, surreal, beautiful, awesome, amazing.  Here are some of our pictures:

March 7th-8th Flying from San Antonio to Munich to Rome
Beer for breakfast in Munich

Flying over the Alps

View of the Mediterranean Sea

Spanish Steps

The Pantheon


Pantheon Dome

Tomb of Rafael

Gelato at Giolitti, Roma!


March 9th: The Vattican, Vittorio Emanuele Monument, and the Trevini Fountain
Entrance to the Vatican

On of the amazing tapestries.  Jesus keeps looking at you no matter where you stand!


"School of Athens" in real life!

Original model of "The Thinker"

Hall of the Cardinals - This is where they sleep while choosing a new Pope

The Pope's Balcony

St Peters Basilica

the "Pieta" by Michelangelo

Pope John XXIII who was said to have not decayed.  He mummified.

The Dome

St. Peters Baldachin

From the front to the back of the Basilica

Swiss Guards.  Never did figure out their camouflage....

The Vatican

Trevini Fountain.  It was under restoration when we went.

More Trevini Fountain

Vittorio Emanuele Monument

View of Rome from the top of the Monument

One of the bronzes on top of the Monument

March 10th: Venice!
The view of the main city from the train

A side Canal

St. Marks Basilica

Beautiful Architecture

Gondola Ride!

Gordon looks scared!  Representing Arias in Italy!

Birthplace of Marco Polo

Home of Vivaldi!

The Grand Canal!

March 11th: Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and The Forum

Do I really need to caption this?

Massive!  Colossal!

Gladiator Gate

The under section was covered by a wooden stage and had a system of lifts to bring out animals and prisoners.

The far section is what the whole thing would have looked like

The Arch of Constantine

The canopy commemorate where Julius Caesar was cremated


Temple of the Vestal Virgins

Palatine Hill

Circus Maximums!

The Old Roman Road

Dinner picture of Pumpkin Prosciutto Brochette.  Um, Yum.

March 12th: Pompeii
Il Principal Restaurant for lunch.  They've catered at the White House!

Pompeii Colosseum

Vineyard in Pompeii with Mt. Vesuvius in the background

City Necropolis Statues outside the city of Pompeii

Some of the victims of Mt. Vesuvius

Pompeii Bath House

Bed in a brothel.  I didn't include the menu which was preserved on frescoes on the wall...

Temple of Venus

Sunset over Ancient Pompeii

March 13th: Day in Rome
Cobblestone Streets everywhere

Obelisk in Rome.  There are many around the city,

Presidential Palace.  I couldn't get a good picture, but a guard in full Roman garb (with the broom hat, cape, spear, etc) guards the entrance!

Statue on a street corner

Gordon enjoying antipasti of caviar and brochette with wine.  I think he had fun!

What are some of your favorite placed to travel?  I'd love to hear!  Subscribe and comment!

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