Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A Family Affair

Day 3 started at the Noccalula Campsite right outside Noccalula falls.  You're probably wondering, WHAT exactly, Noccalula ANYTHING is.  To be completely honest, I couldn't even spell Noccalula before today, and to continue being completely honest, I had to check google before posting this.  

The legend of Cherokee Indian Princess Noccalula dates from antiquity in the regions of northeast Alabama, U.S., where the Cherokee nation once thrived. According to legend, Princess Noccalula was the beautiful daughter of a powerful Cherokee chief and was deeply in love with a brave from her own tribe. Despite her wishes to marry this young warrior, she was promised by her father to a Creek Indian chief who had more bounty to offer for her hand. Her lover was banished from the tribe, and Noccalula was forced to ready herself for the arranged marriage. On the day of the wedding she allowed herself to be arrayed in ceremonial attire and obediently but reluctantly attended the marriage feast. In the midst of the merrymaking, Noccalula quietly slipped away and wandered through the forests of her childhood, coming eventually to the beautiful waterfall near her tribal home. Rather than subject herself to a loveless marriage, she jumped from the precipice near the falls and ended her life on the rocks below.

So I took my kids to the Indian Princess Suicide site.  I blame Tammi Murphy for this.  She told me if we got close, we should visit, that it's one of the most beautiful places she's ever been.  We hiked to behind the falls.  I'll let you judge:

First view of the falls from the trail

Right behind the falls in the cliff cave

From the side

A mile hike in.  I am so proud of those kids of mine!

From the beach below the falls.
Not too shabby, right?  THANK YOU, TAMMI!!!!!!  Kayleigh enjoyed hiking for her first time, even though we were hot and sweaty by the time we were done.

We ate a picnic lunch, fed some animals...
and headed two and a half hours east to an Atlanta suburb to see some of the most outstanding people you will ever meet.  They happen to be my cousins.  I am in no way biased.
Lenny, Sue, Ginny, Caylee, and Brandon were impeccable hosts.  Hamburgers for dinner, then swim lessons, real beds, TV, and showers with water pressure.  I really can't say enough about the hospitality of this wonderful family.  We are so blessed!

Off to bed I go!  Tomorrow is a new day :)

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