Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cotton Pickin Good Day

Charlotte, North Carolina!   We drove to the outskirts of Charlotte to the Latta Plantation.  The grounds are really fantastic, with over 750 acres of State park.  Horse and pony rides were available (for a nominal fee), which we,  of course, partook of.   
The trail guide was very impressed with Annikas fearlessness, 

Siris posture,

and Gannons knowledge of "My Little Ponies".

We climbed the hill to the plantation home where we were able to roam the grounds and tour the home and the outbuildings.

We learned about wool cards, cotton gins, spindles and wheels and looms!

A short three and a half hour drive took us to Goldsboro, NC so cousins could meet for the first time.   All of them enjoyed a grand time, trouncing around a stark contrast to the plantation. ...Chuck E. Cheeses!  

We ate pizza, spent tickets, and enjoyed company.   

After goodbye was done, we decided to shorten our evening drive and re-rout to.........


  1. Ooooooo the suspense is killing me!

  2. I'll have it up tomorrow. Don't loose any sleep over it ;-)

  3. I'll have it up tomorrow. Don't loose any sleep over it ;-)
