Thursday, July 16, 2015

Four Score and Seven Years Ago....

Only 90 minutes from Washington D.C. is Historic Gettysburg.  The bloodiest battle of the Civil War with 54,000 casualties.  We hired a driver to take us through the park.

The Eternal Peace Flame is to commemorate the peace between the states.
I had a good conversation with our guide who has lived in Gettysburg for 30 years about the current Confederate Flag issue.  It amazes me that, with the current events and even past events, that a flag would be flown that is the cause of so much death, destruction, and discontentment with our Great Nation.  

This is the view from the High Water Mark of the battle of Gettysburg.  The majority of the battle took place over the hills and in the forrest.

It blew my mind to imagine over 100,000 troops fighting and dying over this area to protect our Nations Capitol, where we just were.

Gannon decided he liked the Union uniforms better. :)

We left somber, tired, and with a new perspective of our Civil War.

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